2021 Curatorial Exchange Program for Japanese Art Specialists ミュージアム日本美術専門家連携・交流事業2021

About this Program


Tokyo National Museum began the International Exchange Program for Curators of Japanese Art in FY2014. The program promotes international exchange among curators and other museum professionals involved in Japanese art, and provides hands-on training and education, especially for junior curators. The program also promotes research on Japanese art held by institutions outside of Japan. These goals are being pursued through the creation of an international network of museum professionals, as well as annual symposia, meetings, workshops, and surveys of Japanese art outside of Japan.

International Symposium



Our international symposia, held annually since FY2014 and open to the public, consist of presentations by some of the world’s foremost curators of Japanese art and other museum professionals. Like last year, this year’s symposium was also held online.




The Meeting of Japanese Art Specialists has been held annually since FY2015 to provide curators of Japanese art with a forum for debate, discussion, and information exchange. Like last year, this year’s meeting was also held online.




Our workshops familiarize participants with the handling and conservation of Japanese cultural properties while helping the participants to network and foster stronger relationships. This year we produced a video about the handling and exhibit of cultural properties.